Univerzální dokončovací stroj

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail2412100083110. 01. 2025CSM Industry307 213 978,50253 895 850,00307 213 978,50253 895 850,00CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailHYDROTEK Praha s.r.o.Praha12 190 750,0010 075 000,00EURNo
DetailCSM IndustryTisovec307 213 978,50253 895 850,00CZKYes

Written Report - Justification

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Justification for the selection of the economic operator
Justification for using other means of communication for submitting bids instead of electronic means
Justification for not dividing an above-threshold public procurement into lots
Justification for setting requirements for proving turnover in case of proceeding according to Article 78(3), if not stated in the tender documentation
DetailDodavatel CSM Industry s.r.o. , IČO: 50720350, splnil podmínky účasti v zadávacím řízení a byl zadavatelem vybrán v souladu s § 122 odst. 2 zákona č. 134/2016 Sb., o zadávání veřejných zakázek, v platném znění, bez provedení hodnocení.